I’m just a laborer in the vineyard doing my part to spread the Gospel. God is my Potter & I am His clay. This blog is a peek into what goes on in my brain. My favorite topics are apologetics, music, worship, and the study of covenants from a theological standpoint. I also love to examine how the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. You’ll probably see a lot of that here.

On my off days, I songwrite, spend time with my dear friends and family, and play with my dogs, Penny & Cash. (Well, Cash is my dog by proxy. Thanks, mom & dad!) Welcome to my world! I invite all of you to explore this page. Any questions? Hit my DMs, or you can talk to my boss, Jesus Christ. He can be found anywhere and anytime. Just give Him a call.

Tiffanni x

(P.S. - Subscribe to my newsletter down below!)

“Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage. I have remembered thy name, O Lord, in the night and have kept Thy law. This has become mine, that I observe Your precepts.” Psalm 119:54-56

Trust me. You’ll only get one a month, lol.